Thursday, 9 April 2009

Shopping for a Job

With the current economic crisis still taking a downward spiral, perhaps the best thing to shop for at the moment is a job. Many people are facing job cuts, redundancies and general unemployment. Having recently been unemployed myself I can tell you that it is not as much fun as some people make out. Living off a measly £62 per week is not easy and the sense of self loathing you get from entering a Job Centre Plus is equally disheartening.

The fact is that you can virtually stay on Job Seekers with very effort. Every 2 weeks you have a 5 minute interview where they ask you what you have been doing to find employment. Outright lying is an option, asking a time consuming question will also take up those precious 5 minutes, allowing you to get signed off for another 2 weeks. The system is simply not rigorous enough and many people simply take the money and head off for another 2 week siesta.

So what can you do to find a job in this difficult time? Well it all depends on what industry you want to work in. Blue collar jobs are currently on the decline, so are financial jobs, construction jobs and jobs within the manufacturing industry. Retail is also on the decline, but there are some green shoots emerging from black pit of recession. As mentioned in previous posts the lingerie business is currently booming and expanding. Online retail is also expanding due to its ongoing successful battle against the High Street. The computer industry has suffered some job cuts, but it is still generally considered safe from the recession. Recent reports suggest that computer game sales have continued to expand and are so far showing no signs of slackening. Another up and coming industry is environmental based work. With the world becoming more concerned about global warming, governments have decided to alter the economy to a more eco-based economy.

Possibly the best thing you can do right now to look for UK jobs is to head to a local recruitment agency or check out their various internet sites. Failing that you could try volunteering. Volunteering is a great way to get into to a difficult and competitive vocation. There are also various work schemes that you can do to help you improve your career options. If you are shopping for a job at the moment best of luck to you and check out this top 10 recession proof jobs list.


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